Sexual health

We offer confidential NHS sexual health services, free-of-charge to under 25's 

  • emergency contraception ('the morning after pill')
  • chlamydia tests (collect a kit on display in pink or blue bags) 
  • chlamydia treatment (by the pharmacist when advised of a positive result)
  • condoms (with a no worries or c-card).  Our trained advisors would be happy to register you for c-card if you don't already have one!
  • Free advice and support

You can order a free confidential test kit  for chlamydia, gonorrheoa, HIV and syphilis online if you live in North Somerset and are 16 years or older. 


A range of NHS Sexual health services are provided by Unity including clinics in Weston-super-Mare and Clevedon


For confidential advice about the risks and effects of drugs Talk to Frank